Imbolc Community Ritual

Imbolc community ritual will happen 
Saturday, February 1st at 5:45pm at the Historic Woolworth Building.
at 33 South Central Avenue in Medford, Oregon.

No late entry.

This is a potluck.

Bring Items to place on the altar that you wish to
e charged with the energy of Imbolc.

Magic of Life Pagan Ministries will be asking each celebrant to bring their own potluck place setting.
Or a place setting may be purchased from the ministry at the time of the ritual/potluck. 

Please Register for Ritual

~Ritual Contribution~

Ritual Contribution Consists of-
~A Potluck Dish~
~A Non-Perishable Food Item to be Donated to Access Food Share~
~A Monetary Donation in the Amount of $5.00~
~Your Attendance and Participation in Ritual~

Monetary contribution to support the running of the ministry.