Imbolc Ritual


All Hail Goddess Brigit!
Who Brings Gifts of Fire and Poetry and Food to Us Today
As You Assist in Awakening Our Beautiful Mother.
As you Herald in the New Spring
As You Assist us in the ever Important Birth
of Our Children and Animals.
Blessed are You Goddess Brigit
May you live forever in our hearts!


Center and Ground

Center yourself now by seeing all the light that is you - in you and emanating from you. Using your imagination, take all of that light and pull it into yourself. Pull all of the light above your head into your stomach. Pull all of the light below your feet into your stomach. Pull all of the light at your left and at your right into your stomach. Set for a moment and feel all of your light centered in your stomach.

Ground yourself now buy feeling the bottom of your feet on the floor or the ground. Using your imagination allow any surface that is on the floor or the ground to grow roots, down into the ground below, deep, deep, into the ground. These roots will hold your body in the earthly realm while your spirit goes on an adventure to a sacred space that is not a space to a time that is not a time.

Cast the Circle
Use your imagination to visualize your beautiful, lighted circle. See it as a bubble that surrounds you on all four side, above and below.


Call the Corners and The Elements

North, East, South and West
We Honor You.
Earth, Aire, Fire and Water,
We Honor You.
Be Blessed and Ever Present With Us,
As We Work This Rite.
Welcome, Our Beloveds!


Reflection, Meditation and The Setting of Intention by all who wish to speak.

If you are alone in your ritual - take a moment to reflect on the past year, meditate and set an intention for what you want to create in your life.

If you are in a group - each person may take a turn reflecting, meditating and setting intention.

(Say the names of those you wish healing for.)

Palms Forward to send healing energy,
Palm up to receive healing.
And Chant…


I am whole, I am filled with light!
I am whole, I am filled with light!

I am whole, I am filled with light!
I am whole, I am filled with light!
I am whole!


Cakes and Ale

We thank Mother Earth as we partake of these cakes and ale who provides all sustenance for us - water to drink and food to eat.



We thank you all - Mother goddesses and Father gods, angels, fairies, dragons, guides and especially most honored guest goddess
Brigit. As you go, leave a spark of your divine ever with us. Blessings!


Blessings and farewell to our beloved directions - North, East, South and West. And to our honored elements - Earth, Air, Fire and water. We are ever aware of you and most grateful for your existence in our life. Blessings!


Closing the Circle

Now using your imagination once again, see your beautiful lighted bubble. Now your are going to allow your bubble to simply desolve, disolve, disolve , dissolve down until it no longer exist.

